Network Code for Market

The network code family focusing on the market perspective in the grid can be decomposed into the capacity Allocation & Congestion Management Code, Forward Capacity Allocation Code, and Electricity Balancing Code. In addition, this category includes recommendations regarding the legal regulatory framework in business models introduced in the new era of power systems.

Components & enablers

  • Define the regulatory framework for new business models in the new era of power systems.
  • Harmonisation in the common framework for all the power sectors members in the EU.
  • Deployment of new markets suitable for the new era of power systems.

State of the art in application and research

In the RESERVE project, the regulatory for the transition up to 100% RES is being studied through simulations. An investigation of the requirements for minimum inertia is taking place. In addition, a new voltage control concept between DSO and prosumers is being investigated by considering new ICT requirements and inverters generation.

In the BestRES project and specifically in D5.2 and D5.3, recommendations are being made for a national and European legal framework for the development of business models for renewable energy aggregation.

Technology Readiness Level


Current focus of R&D and research gaps

The RESERVE project mainly proposes new regulatory recommendations for the inertia and voltage control concept. BestRES, in parallel with the deployment of business models for aggregators, attempted to propose a legal framework for the proper operation of these.

There is a significant research gap in this group of network codes. There are no projects focusing on recommendations regarding the Congestion Management Code and Forward Capacity Allocation Code.


[1] RESERVE [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3] [Link 4]

[2] BestRES [Link]