Transition times are always needed when introducing and scaling up new technologies such as SF6-free equipment. Manufacturers’ alternative solutions must first be tested on the transmission system operators’ (TSOs) grids to ensure their reliability. Therefore, in the context of an SF6 ban for high-voltage (HV) and extra-high-voltage (EHV) alternating current (AC) applications, realistic transition periods must be provided to ensure the continuation of our industrial activities.

For this reason, ENTSO-E (representing the electricity transmission system operators) and T&D Europe (representing the manufacturers of electrical equipment) have teamed up to tackle this challenge and propose a joint view towards a realistic transition to SF6-free equipment. TSOs and manufacturers have jointly drafted a position paper in which they specify the suitable transition times and the needed prerequisites to ensure the TSOs’ mission: guaranteeing the security of supply. This position paper also clarifies the distinction between standard and niche applications.