In anticipation of the European Commission’s impact assessment of potential solutions for the forward Electricity markets, as mandated in Article 9 of the Electricity Markey Design Regulation 2024/1747, ENTSO-E is publishing its views on models for forward markets.

ENTSO-E proposes the following 2 models:

  • Model 1: Enhanced auction design based on options, with increased auction frequency and extended product maturities.
  • Model 2: Advanced auction design based on obligations, which, in addition to Model 1 features, includes Synthetic Long-Term Transmission Rights with full financial firmness and as an obligation.

This publication represents ENTSO-E’s commitment to facilitate forward-thinking solutions in the energy market. It invites all stakeholders to consider these alternatives and join the conversation about the future of energy markets.

ENTSO-E is looking forward to further contributing to the targeted consultation from the European Commission expected in Summer 2024 and to engaging in further discussions regarding forward markets.

ENTSO-E position on forward markets can be found here.