TSOs’ grid investments are in general covered by long-standing EU and national legal and regulatory frameworks. The concept of anticipatory investments, introduced by the Electricity Market Design Reform, open up some areas of uncertainty and raises some questions for TSOs.
In this respect ENTSO-E and its members strongly welcome the upcoming European Commission’s guidance following the Grid Action Plan on the treatment of anticipatory investments. In this position paper ENTSO-E would like to share its views on said upcoming EC guidance with policy makers, regulators and all stakeholders.
In the document, ENTSO-E proposes a definition of anticipatory investments while sharing TSOs’ views on the topic to contribute to the discussion around the specific risks of anticipatory investments and some possible mitigation measures. Additionally, five initial and non-exhaustive principles were identified and proposed to help the development of the EC guidelines principles.
ENTSO-E looks forward to further contributing to the discussion on the topic and to engaging in further discussions with the European Commission and stakeholders.
ENTSO-E position on anticipatory investments can be found here.