System Operations Committee

ENTSO-E’s operations activities are overseen by the ENTSO-E System Operations Committee (SOC) chaired by Olivier Arrivé from RTE, France and Frank Reyer from Amprion, Germany as Vice-Chairman. The Committee reports to the ENTSO-E Board and Assembly.

All activities of the SOC are supported by the Operations section of the ENTSO-E Secretariat team.

What we do

System Operations is the core activity of any transmission system operator (TSO). It covers the actions taken to ensure the secure and optimal real-time operation of the grid, enduring resilience of the transmission system.

The ENTSO-E System Operations activities are about:

  • Developing and maintaining European operational framework, notably through operations network codes/guidelines, agreements, standards and methodologies;

  • Coordinating measures for protection of critical infrastructure;

  • Developing and maintaining dedicated communication infrastructure for real-time and non-real-time data exchange and a number of systems such as the ENTSO-E Awareness System which provides a real-time pan-European view on the state of transmission systems;

  • Establishing European rules for facilitating the development and implementation of a common grid model for all stages of system operation via an Operational Planning Data Environment;

  • Classification and follow up of operational incidents;

  • Regional coordination and the related services to be provided by the Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) based on the Clean Energy Package legal mandates and those required directly by TSOs;

  • Proactively assessing innovations and power system future needs and proposing the best operational strategies for the power system to meet and facilitate the energy transition.

How we are organized

Currently, there are four steering groups reporting directly into SOC. Each group is supported by our Secretariat team.

Steering Group Strategy aims at contributing to viable solutions to ensure that the TSOs overcome their current and future challenges to the secure operation of the European power systems. The StG Strategy identifies and promotes the evolution of European regional coordination, develops strategies from the point of view of the SOC to meet future operational challenges beyond the day-to-day operations as identified in ENTSO-E’s Vision “A power system for a carbon-neutral Europe”, and supports SOC in the assessment of regulatory or technological developments and their impact in the operation of the power system.

Steering Group Operational Framework focuses on developing, implementing and monitoring the adequate System Operation framework (based on Network Codes and the Clean Energy Package) for a secure and reliable operation of the interconnected power systems, while ensuring sustainable evolution and change management of this framework according to the needs of operational security, security of supply, TSOs and grid users.

Steering Group Resilient Operation maintains the high standard of interoperability, reliability and security of operation of the European electricity transmission systems, while addressing the increased operational challenges, such as the reduced system inertia or higher adequacy risks. The Steering Group provides guidance and expertise to the TSOs on operational security, critical infrastructure protection, risk preparedness, operational processes and methodologies.

Steering Group Regional Coordination facilitates, coordinates and develops regional coordination, most notably amongst Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) and TSOs. The Steering Group steers the business requirements, business development, implementation, rollout and operation of the RCC tasks where a pan-European or cross-regional approach is legally required or is requested by TSOs. For regional RCC tasks, it facilitates cooperation and coordination among the regions and RCCs and monitors the performance of those tasks.

In addition, SOC serves also as platform for the cooperation between different synchronous areas in Europe. Each synchronous area has a Regional Group which also reports into SOC. The ENTSO-E secretariat supports closely the Regional Group Continental Europe, which is the biggest synchronous area.

System Operations Committee

Regional Groups

Regional GroupParticipating Countries
Continental EuropeAustria, Albania, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark (West), France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Moldova (observer), Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkiye (observer), Ukraine (observer).
NordicDenmark (East), Finland, Norway and Sweden
BalticEstonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Ireland/Northern IrelandIreland, Great Britain

SOC Meeting Documents

Brussels, Belgium
Porto, Portugal
ENTSO-E premises