ENTSO-E Offshore Hub
ENTSO-E and TSOs are accelerating the deployment of offshore energy for the energy transition.
ENTSO-E and Transmission System Operators are accelerating the deployment of offshore energy
Offshore RES Generation (GW) We are delivering Offshore Network Plans for all European sea basins to kick-start the necessary energy grid developments.
The offshore energy future needs to be planned across borders, across different energy carriers and with a system perspective. The offshore energy future needs to be planned across borders, across different energy carriers and with a system perspective.
Coordinated planning and operation of offshore network infrastructure will help to reduce the need for space and the environmental impact.
Protected areas (Source: EMODnet Map Viewer) Offshore network infrastructure needs to be planned, built and operated efficiently taking into account all stakeholders. TSOs have the necessary experience and system view.
Investments in offshore network infrastructure
Investments in offshore network infrastructure– including anticipatory investments – and in wind farms connected to more than one country need to provide a reasonable and predictable return for investors. 9. ENTSO-E and TSOs are also driving forward the necessary development and standardisation of technologies, including High-Voltage Direct Current technologies.
Market Design Proposals
ENTSO-E will develop a proposal for a market design that deals with flows and congestions across sea and land, and paves the way for efficient price formation.
ENTSO-E will develop a proposal for a market design that deals with flows and congestions across sea and land, and paves the way for efficient price formation.
TSO Innovation Hub
TSOs innovate for the future offshore network
Network Codes & Guidelines
Technical standards for offshore wind farms
Offshore Development
Our Policy Papers
ENTSO-E Vision
A Power System for a Carbon Neutral Europe
The pan- European electricity infrastructure development plan