The purpose of this workshop is to:

  • Share a common understanding of expected contents of the methodologies;
  • Gather the views and expectations of stakeholders;
  • Provide insights on the preparation work of TSOs.

ENTSO-E premises (Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, Brussels), ground floor

The draft agenda of the workshop is the following:

10:00-10:30Registration of participants, breakfast
11:00-12:00Working session – Assets Influence evaluation (Art 75(1)(a) and 84)
Coffee break
12:15-13:00Working session – RSC coordination (Art 75(1)(d-e) )
14:00-15:00Working session – Risk assessment (Art 75(1)(b) )
Coffee break
15:15-16:00Working session – Uncertainties assessment (Art 75(1)(c) )
Coffee break
16:00-16:30Conclusions of the workshop

The workshop will tentatively take place between 10:00 – 16:30