The Guideline on Electricity Balancing (GLEB) mandates all TSOs to draft a proposal for imbalance settlement harmonisation by end-2018. An ENTSO-E’s dedicated project team is preparing the proposal following the specifications enclosed in the GLEB Art. 52(2).

To incorporate the opinion of stakeholders in the drafting process of the All-TSO proposal, ENTSO-E plans to organise an informal workshop, and by that gather different points of view and comments.

The workshop will be held in Brussels, at the ENTSO-E premises on 23 March. The intention of this workshop is to gather ideas that can help improving the proposal under development. The workshop is not part of a public consultation, nor will formal or informal ENTSO-E positions be shared. However presentations will be given on the scope, planning and outcomes of a survey performed amongst all TSOs, including third parties entrusted with settlement tasks on the topic of imbalance settlement. This introduction will be followed by a set of round-table sessions on the following sub-topics:

  1. Main components for calculation of the imbalance price
  2. Definition of the value of avoided activation
  3. Conditions for application of dual pricing
  4. Finalisation of imbalance adjustment, position and allocated volume

The maximum number of attendants will be 100 people. Please contact Ricardo Renedo Williams ( for registration before Friday 16 March. If you have any preference on which tables to attend, or any other questions, please also inform Ricardo.

10:00Coffee & registration
10:30Introduction & presentations
11:30Round table 1
12:30Lunch break
13:30Round table 2
14:30Round table 3
15:30Concluding remarks
