All interested stakeholders are invited to participate in the ENTSOs Scenario Storylines workshop for TYNDP 2020 which will take place on 29 May 2018, from 09:00 to 16:30, at the Hotel Metropole, de Brouckère 31, 1000 Brussels.

This workshop will focus on how the scenario assumptions were developed and the ENTSOs initial views on the five scenario storylines. It will also collect stakeholders’ views on the scenarios and the storylines presented and participants will be asked to suggest possible improvements for current and future TYNDPs.

The workshop will comprise a combination of information presented by the ENTSOs, open discussion between stakeholders and an interactive session for feedback.

Workshop Agenda

Workshop Registration:

To participate in this workshop, please register here, no later than 18 May by indicating your full name, contact details and organisation.

Hotel Booking Form


Hotel Metropole
Rooms Excelsior-Ambassadeur
place de Brouckère 31
1000 Brussels

For any further information on registration, please contact Mirsada Spaho and Thanh-Thanh Le Thi.