As the Clean Energy Package trilogues enter their final phase, ENTSO-E organises a high-level dinner debate addressing the regulatory challenges to achieve the Energy Union and deliver the 2030 targets. Distinguished speakers include:

Davor Škrlec MEP , Benedikt Ennser, Austrian Presidency of the EU, Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, European Commission, Carmen Gimeno, Geode and Ben Voorhorst, ENTSO-E. The debate will be moderated by Siobhan Hall, S&P Global Platts.

The implementation of the Third Energy Package has shown that delivering the objectives of the package – notably market integration and renewables integration – relies on innovative regulatory tools, like network codes, guidelines, regional methodologies, etc. These tools have, for instance, been instrumental in implementing the European market design model.

Such tools have, however, been debated controversially: some praise them for their technical precision, regulatory flexibility and efficiency; others voice concerns about transparency or interference in national energy policy (e.g. bidding zones).

These diverging views are likewise reflected in the draft Clean Energy Package where Council, Parliament and Commission have adopted different positions and, for instance, pulled technical matters to a political level.

The debate will address questions like:

• What have we achieved so far? Will innovative regulatory tools be still required at all to deliver the Energy Union? How should they be designed? Where are their limits? What role should they play in future? How does the system need to improve?

• What roles should ACER, ENTSO-E and the EUDSO Entity ideally play and how can full transparency, neutrality and stakeholder involvement be ensured?

• Where is the boundary between political and technical questions; between European, regional and national competences when it comes to things like bidding zones, resource adequacy, cross-border trading?

Please confirm your attendance by 20 September here

24 September 2018 - 18h15 to 20h45 – Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Bruxelles

Programme for the evening

 18h15 – 19h15 : Registration and walking dinner

 19h15 – 20h45 : Debate

 20h45 : Drinks reception

To learn more about the codes, view the Florence School of Regulation online training on electricity network codes