Following up on the work on the Vision 2030, ENTSO-E has published its discussion paper “Options for the design of European Electricity Markets in 2030”. The paper presents the interim results of an analysis started in 2018 focusing on necessary improvements to the design of European electricity markets to facilitate the achievement of the 2030 climate objectives.

Our objective is to trigger an open policy debate on a wide range of possible market design evolutions with all relevant European stakeholders. For this purpose ENTSO-E has launched a consultation on this discussion paper from 1 April to 19 May. ENTSO-E will review carefully all contributions received.

To present the main outcomes of the stakeholder consultation, and to facilitate an interactive discussion on the market design areas which attracted more interest, ENTSO-E is organising a dedicated webinar on Thursday 10 June from 9:30 to 12:30.

The agenda of the webinar is available here.