This year’s Regional Coordination Conference will take place on November 18 and will be hosted by SCC and SeleNe CC, in collaboration with ENTSO-E.

  • How can we highlight new challenges for TSO coordination?
  • What lies behind success stories of new operational tools?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities for the Regional Coordination Centres?
  • Which sources of collaboration are needed to further integrate electricity markets in South East Europe, in light of the changes that the Clean Energy Package brought?

All these questions, and much more, will be presented and discussed during the Conference.

Key speakers from the EU institutions, the National Regulatory Authorities, the TS0 community, Regional Coordination Centres, the industry, market participants, and society will join panels and interactive sessions allowing the audience to deep dive in the achievements and new challenges for Europe and the South East Region in particular.

 More information and registration details will be available soon.