ENTSO-E organized on 19 October 2023 a public stakeholder’s webinar on “Integration of Power- Heat sectors” to present the position paper published on this topic in February 2023 ENTSO-E Study on Power and Heat Sectors: Interactions and Synergies).

A public webinar focusing on the impact of the Heating & Cooling decarbonization pathways on the wider energy system planning, operation, markets, and business models. The webinar brought together experts from both Power and Heating & Cooling fields to exchange on present and future trends coupling the two sectors; coupling takes place in terms of electrification of final uses, of thermal storage development and more in general in terms of optimal exploitation of diverse available resources according to the specific needs of different final uses.

Speakers from IEA presented scenario outlook and industry macrotrends while perspectives from European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) and Euroheat & Power (EHP) shared on electrification of residential/building heating and of industrial heat processes, as well as on decarbonised District Heating. Sectoral views encompass technological and market maturity, conditions for massive adoption of new heating paradigms and their impact on the electric system.


  • Session 1: ENTSO-E key findings and messages on integration of Power-Heat Sectors
  • Session 2: Perspectives on decarbonization of Heat sector (IEA)
  • Session 3: Heat pumps: perspectives on technological, market maturity and conditions for massive adoption European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)  
  • Session 4: District heating solutions: perspectives on technological market maturity and conditions for massive adoption Euroheat & Power (EHP) perspective on technological maturity, market maturity of
  • Session 5: Systems view and Panel discussion.

Slide deck is available here