In accordance with Article 19e of the (EU) 2019/943 which entered into force with the (EU) 2024/1724, Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR), DSO Entity and ENTSO-E have been entrusted to define the data type, the data format, and the methodology for the analysis of the flexibility needs (Flexibility Needs Assessment Methodology or FNA methodology) that electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs) are to provide at national level to the regulatory authority, or designated authority or entity.

As a part of our commitment to fostering transparency, DSO Entity and ENTSO-E would like to invite you to the second public webinar on the FNA Methodology draft. During this public webinar, the project convenors from DSO Entity and ENTSO-E will highlight the main feedback received from the public consultation on the draft methodology, held between 08 November 2024 and 06 December 2024, and discuss the main amendments made to the draft in response to it. The audience can raise their questions during the Q&A session, following the presentation.  


Please register through this link: registration link

Feel free to forward the registration link your network to enable participation from a wide variety of stakeholders and interest groups.

For any additional information, please contact Shilpa Bindu ( and Mehtap Alper (