For the second year, ENTSO-E is hosting a collaborative test event to advance the standardisation and implementation of Regional Coordination Processes data exchange specifications, driving efficiency and quality improvements across the electricity sector. 

This initiative fosters a strong partnership between participants from TSOs, RCCs, and the software vendors, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced data modelling quality in business processes. 

This year’s event focuses and highlights the critical data exchanges required to support the Coordinated Security Analysis (CSA) business process, as outlined in the Regional Coordination Processes Data Exchange Specification. The CSA process leverages the ENTSO-E CIM extension known as the Network Code profiles, building on the latest CGMES v3.0 standards (IEC 61970-600-1 & IEC 61970-600-2). 

Register to the weekly preparation calls starting at the end of January 2025 and physical SV-IOP meeting taking place on the third week of May 2025 at ENTSO-E premises by using the registration form

More information is available in the official announcement