Member involvement and stakeholder engagement are the two ingredients allowing ENTSO-E to deliver with high quality. Each year, ENTSO-E organises a survey to collect feedback from its stakeholders. Compared to the last survey, ENTSO-E’s stakeholder satisfaction has gone up by almost 4%. Also the response rate this year was the highest ever registered. This increase in satisfaction and participation is of course a great achievement for the association.

However, the survey is also enabling ENTSO-E to collect very useful information on areas where it still needs to improve. The survey shows a need to continue working on the following areas:

• Improving the quality of stakeholder workshops and consultations

• Reaching out more to NGOs and new communities of stakeholders

• Transparency and especially the usability and the data quality & availability of the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform

“We are very happy about this increase in stakeholder satisfaction and we thank all those who participated. Our members are taking transparency and stakeholder engagement very seriously. More initiatives will be announced over the course of 2018 on consultations, data quality & availability as well as stronger and wider stakeholder engagement. Feedback from our stakeholder and our members will continue to be, a fundamental base for us to improve”, commented Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E Secretary General.