Image of Transparency Platform

Thanks to the implementation of a new data policy, the users of ENTSO-E’s Transparency Platform no longer have to seek permission from data owned by transmissions system operators (TSOs) before reusing the data.

Indeed, the European TSOs agree to release their data into the platform under an open data licence. This facilitates the reuse of the data for new services, research and applications. Wind Europe Map and Tomorrow’s Electricity Map are just two examples of how TSOs’ open data can be used to better inform citizens on the energy transition and develop new services and transparency in general.

ENTSO-E who manages the Platform hopes that this will encourage more data providers to adopt the same data policy and provide their data under an open licence.

Other initiatives, such as the release of a new data driven publication ENTSO-E PowerFacts Europe, the work of ENTSO-E on open data with the Linux Energy Foundation and the French TSO, RTE, are just examples of the commitment of TSOs to enrich the discussion on the energy transition with sound and reusable facts and figures.

ENTSO-E Transparency Platform