Regulation (EU) 347/2013 requires that ENTSO-E and ENTSOG use scenarios for their respective Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs) and for the second time ENTSOG and ENTSO-E have worked together to develop these scenarios jointly, on this occasion for the TYNDP 2020. Scenario work is not only undertaken to test future electricity and gas infrastructure needs and projects but captures the interactions between the gas and electricity systems to assess the infrastructure of a hybrid energy system.

Supply and demand data collected from both gas and electricity TSOs are used to build ‘National Trends’, the central policy-based scenario, reflecting Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and recognising EU climate targets.The ‘Global Ambition’ and ‘Distributed Energy’ Scenarios are developed as full energy scenarios (not limited to gas and electricity) and are built in line with the Paris Agreement target of limiting the increase in the global average temperature to 1,5 °C and take into account the efforts of the EU-27 to reduce emissions to net- zero by 2050.

Jan Ingwersen, ENTSOG General Director, commented, “Work on the TYNDP 2020 Scenarios commenced in 2018 and has involved significant engagement with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the process. The joint work has presented ENTSOG and ENTSO-E with unique opportunities to identify solutions together in meeting the decarbonisation challenges in the context of the EU Green Deal and the European Recovery and Growth Plan.

Innovation, integration and efficiency are key to achieving the EU climate goals and meeting European energy consumers’ needs. A hybrid energy infrastructure – consisting of a system of interconnected systems - is part of that vision. These scenarios represent a comprehensive, reliable and contrasted set of possible energy futures that will allow ENTSO-E and ENTSOG to perform a sound assessment of European infrastructure projects in the TYNDPs.”, said Laurent Schmitt, Secretary General, ENTSO-E.

ENTSOG and ENTSO-E will progress to develop their TYNDPs, to continue their assessment of the needs of the European gas and electricity infrastructures.

The TYNDP 2020 Scenario Report is available as a pdf document on the ENTSOG (link) and ENTSO-E (link) websites. A dedicated website has also been developed for this report, available here.

ENTSOG and ENTSO-E have also prepared an overview document of the key findings from the report. These conclusions are included in Section 3 of the report, and as a separate document available here (link).

A public webinar presenting the final 2020 Scenarios and kicking-off discussion on the Storylines for the 2022 process will be held on 3 July, 10:00 – 13:00 CET. More details of this event are available on the websites of ENTSOG and ENTSO-E.

Should you require any further information please contact Carmel Carey (+32 2 894 5136, and Lea Dehaudt (+32 2741 86 29

Editorial notes

ENTSOG was founded on 1 December 2009 in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009. The current number of Members, Associated Partners and Observers of ENTSOG can be found at this link.

ENTSO-E was registered in European law in 2009 under Regulation (EC) 714/2009. The list of ENTSO-E Members is available at this link.