According to Article 58 of NC RfG, Article 56 of NC DC and Article 75 of NC HVDC, ENTSO-E has the obligation to develop non-binding guidance on implementation which shall be revised every two years.

Steering Group Connection Network Codes (StG CNC) delivered several Implementation Guidance Documents (IGDs) in topics that were important or complex. These IGDs supported the national implementation of the CNCs as well as the clarification of various network code issues to the stakeholders. All published IGDs can be found here.

During Q1 2023, the StG CNC and its Technical Guidance and Monitoring Team (TGMT), launched a public consultation on the draft IGDs on “Compliance Verification – Using Electrical Simulation Models” and “Compliance Verification - Compliance Monitoring after final operational notification”.

Several stakeholders participated in the consultation. Feedback was assessed by the TGMT and implemented in the IGDs.

After a period of one-month public consultation (16 January 2023 – 16 February 2023), ENTSO-E is now launching the final version of two IGDs as well as the Response to the comments received during this consultation period.