Promoters of transmission and storage infrastructure projects are invited to submit projects for assessment in ENTSO-E’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024 from 15 September to 16 October 2023. The Guidance for Promoters specifies the procedure and requirements that promoters and projects have to meet to be included in TYNDP.

The Guidance for Promoters was submitted to public consultation from 26 June to 7 August 2023. It specifies:

  • the procedure and the timeline for projects promoters to apply to the TYNDP 2024;
  • the technical and administrative criteria their projects will be required to meet;
  • the documents and information project promoters will be required to submit to fulfil these criteria; and
  • the use and circulation of the information submitted.

For any question on the Guidance or the upcoming projects submission window, promoters may contact our SPOC. A webinar will take place on 22 September to answer promoters questions on the use of the TYNDP 2024 online projects platform, more information and registration.

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