Role Models

Harmonised Electricity Role Model

The Role Model has been developed in order to facilitate dialogue between the market participants from different countries through the designation of a single name for each role and domain that are prevalent within the electricity market. Its focus is essentially to enable a common terminology for IT development.

This document describes a model identifying all the roles that can be played for given domains within the electricity market. The Role Model has been developed by ENTSO-E and the associated organisations EFET and ebIX. It covers both the wholesale and retail electricity markets. Roles are of a logical nature, which that act within or upon a given domain.

The document covers the roles as identified in current development being carried out in information exchange. It will naturally grow or evolve as this work progresses.

A Role Model of this nature will be the formal means of identifying roles and domains that are used in information interchange in the electricity market. It is important to stress that it is not a model of the electricity market but rather a Role Model related to the information interchange.

European Electricity Market Role Model

The overall goal of the EEMRM subgroup is to extract a European electricity market role model based on the network codes and guidelines. These roles are to be presented in a modelled way. A Role Model of this nature shall be the formal means of identifying roles, services and associations, as described in the network codes and guidelines. This shall be an illustrative role model of the European electricity market.

Role Model Maintenance Request Form​

If you have any proposals/requests relating to the Role Model the following HRM Maintenance Request should be completed and sent to