​​​​When: 29 February 2016, 10:00 -16:45 CET

Where: ENTSO-E premises, Brussels

Agenda - download here

Presented material - download here

2016 is the year when all three Connection Network Codes are expected to become European regulations. The allocated 3 years for their implementation is posing already significant challenges to all the member states. In order to support this activity ENTSO-E is currently in the process of drafting the legally requested implementation guidance documents.

The first step - establishing what topics the guidance documents are to look into- was already tackled thorough a public request for input (closed on 22 January 2016); the results of which were presented on 29 February.

The next step - defining what each of the guidance documents is to contain- was tackled through this workshop.

The workshop gathered around 40 participants covering European and national associations of manufacturers and developers / owners / operators of installations covered by the connection network codes as well as distribution system operators.

During this event all the participants explored more in detail the identified priority issues with regard to content which will enable ENTSO-E to meet the stakeholders’ expectations when drafting the guidance documents to its members and other system operators.

The outcomes of the working sessions can be accessed**here**.

The draft implementation guidance documents  are expected to be put forward for one month public consultation in June 2016.

The forthcoming Commission Regulations (EU), which are to establish network codes on

  • requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG)

  • demand connection (NC DCC)

  • requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules (NC HVDC)

mandate ENTSO-E to deliver non-binding written guidance to its members and other system operators concerning the elements of these regulations requiring national decisions.

The guidance documents are to explain the technical issues, conditions and interdependencies which need to be considered when developing the non-exhaustive proposals at national level. It shall be provided no later than six months after the entry into force of each regulation and thereafter every two years, and shall include stakeholder consultation.

All three Connection Network Codes have been adopted by the European Commission and are now subject to scrutiny by the European Parliament and the Council, after which they are expected to enter into force in the first quarter of 2016. Hence, the first set of implementation guidance is presumably due to be delivered in the third quarter of 2016.