ENTSO-E Data Privacy Policy

​Thank you for using the ENTSO-E MDM app and reviewing our privacy policy.

ENTSO-E* respects the privacy of every individual who visits or use our platform. This Privacy Policy outlines the personal data ENTSO-E may collect and how we may use that information.


In order to access the ENTSO-E Intune app, you need to go through the registration process.

During the registration process, you are asked to provide ENTSO-E with the following personal:

  • Valid email address,
  • Office 365 user ID
  • Phone mobile number​

Data Collection

ENTSO-E collects and process your personal data acting as data controller in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable implementation rules on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data.

Personal data are collected and processed for and to the extent necessary for the following purposes:

  • to ensure you have ENTSO-E account details (login and password) necessary to access the platform​
  • to allow you to access specific applications
  • to protect your smartpohne, and professional data that are store on your smartphone
  • to identify and control your access on the ENTSO-E Extranet/Intranet
  • to allow you to use services and tools available on ENTSO-E Extranet/Intranet
  • to ensure information sharing and exchange within ENTSO-E infrastructure
  • to give you a possibility to follow current developments and actions taken
  • to invite you and inform you about meetings, workshops, events, outcomes, follow ups; to share information about association activities and meetings, updates on professional apps
  • to provide you with specific documents, which are available upon individual request
  • any other use required to perform ENTSO-E legally mandated tasks.

The collection and processing of those personal data is based on the performance by ENTSO-E of its legally mandated tasks, and/or legitimate interest of ENTSO-E.

Personal Data

The personal data, which you transmit to ENTSO-E, are stored in a database managed by and under responsibility of ENTSO-E. Your data are stored exclusively on servers located within European Union. However, your personal data may be transferred outside the European Union, in countries the European Commission deems not to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. In this case, ENTSO-E will take appropriate safeguards with standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission. These can be consulted at the headquarter of ENTSO-E

Your personal data related to contact details shall be stored as long as you remain a staff member or member’s employee and for a duration of 10 years thereafter. Your personal data contained in association documents or meetings documents shall be stored for a period corresponding to the retention period of the concerned document (i.e. as long as necessary to fulfil obligation of sharing information on the ENTSO-E activities with staff members, members’ employees or third parties) which may vary depending on the nature of the document. ​

* ENTSO-E is the International Non-Profit Association created under Belgian law, having its registered office at 1000 Brussels, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100 (Belgium).